Tetanus Vaccination

Canada has had long-standing tetanus immunization programs; it is a readily available vaccine. Workers in the animal care, and agriculture industries are at the highest risk for infection and should have an up-to-date tetanus vaccine record. Setting up a tetanus vaccine clinic is a preventative safety measure you can take to ensure infection rates remain at zero.

Please reach out to info@ruskmed.ca with the details of your facility and requirements.

Tetanus Facts

  • Almost all tetanus cases occur among people who have never had their tetanus shot.
  • Tetanus bacteria can be found in soil, feces, saliva, and dust.
  • A tetanus vaccine should be administered every 10 years, or after any animal bite or injury that is at risk for infection.
  • Tetanus is a disease of the central nervous system, resulting in what is commonly known at lock jaw.
  • Underlying health issues may increase the risk of a tetanus infection.

Employer Benefits:

  • Prevent infectious diseases in the workplace.
  • Contribute to community health efforts.
  • Provide a helpful service to staff or residents.
  • Ensure workplace health is maintained year-round.
  • A routine precaution to maintain health and safety culture within your facility.

Employee Benefits:

  • Conveniently get vaccinated at work!
  • Contribute to community health efforts.
  • Reduce transmission of cold and flu to your family and coworkers.
  • Peace of mind.

Public Vaccine Clinics

Upcoming Tetanus Vaccination Clinics

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Maples Community COVID Vaccine Clinic


Prime Medical Friends And Family Clinic


Vaccinations For Businesses

Get Protection For Your Team

We keep efficiency in mind and provide a customized clinic for your space that makes it possible for us to administer large quantities of vaccinations in a short timeframe. We focus on:

  • Independent and assisted living facilities throughout Winnipeg and in Manitoba’s rural health regions.
  • The animal care industry, including volunteer groups and veterinary hospitals.
  • Manitoba’s agriculture and agrifood industry.
  • Corporations and offices.
  • Entertainment and sports industries.
  • Educational facilities.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Tetanus.